Cassina operates at an industrial level in the contemporary furnishing industry. The companies products highlight their specialization in upholstered furniture made of wood and leather working as well as other precious materials. Producing chairs, tables, armchairs, sofas, furniture items and beds Cassina’s line of products cover many furnishing needs of the modern household.
Some of the basic objectives of the company include striving for the highest quality through an exceptional combination of industry expertise and artisan manufacturing procedures. An ever-increasing development in research innovations is stressed, while the historical values and traditions are preserved to maintain the internationally recognised level of Cassina.
The products in the Cassina collection provide clear insight into the company’s mission. Different languages and cultures are embraced while ample space is provided for experiments in style and materials.
Many Cassina products have appeared futuristic upon their debut, several even bordering on disconcerting. However, after years of presentation, these items have proved to blend seamlessly with the classics of the collection.
Gerrit T Rietveld