Santa & Cole
Founded by Gabriel Ordeig Cole and Nina Masó in 1985, Santa & Cole focus on everyday objects seeking a better user experience and reflecting upon material culture. Santa and Cole edit elements of domestic and urban furniture and lighting, plant elements, and books. A range converging upon a single concern: not to accumulate, but rather to select; not to enjoy quantity, but rather quality.
Santa and Cole’s philosophy of taste is eclectic and modern rather than futuristic and postmodern. Interested in rationality and balance, silence as opposed to stridence, they are particularly motivated by the fact that they are the standard-bearers of a fine sample of Spanish design throughout the world. For the most part, the creators of the objects they re-design are internationally renowned designers and architects from Spain, valuing their ability to contribute ideas, new reflections and attitudes toward the objects, new perspectives on the world that, together, they help to project.
Santa and Cole have worked with designers such as Miguel Mila and Arne Jacobsen, producing infamous lighting products such as Cesta table lamp, Tripode floor lamp and Leonardo suspension light.
We work with the entire range of lighting from Santa & Cole so please enquire if the fitting you are interested in is not shown on our website.
Antoni ArolaDesignerShow AllAndre RicardAnthony DickensAntoni ArolaAntoni de MoragasEnric Sòria and Jordi GarcésEquipo Santa and ColeFerran FreixaIgnazio GardellaIlmari TapiovaaraIndustrial FacilityJ Miralbell and M RaventósJaume SansJosep Torres ClaveMassana Tremoleda and FerrerMiguel MilaOscar TusquetsRobert HeritageSantiago RoquetaÀngel Jové
DimmableFilterShow AllChandelierCoffee TablesDiffusedDimmableDirectionalFloor LightFolding TablesHeight AdjustableLEDLounge ArmchairsOutdoorQuick DeliveryTable LampWall Light
RangeRangeAmericanaBasica MinimaCestaCirioEstadioFadGTLaminaM64/M68MaijaMoragassisisiTekioTMDTMMTripode
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Antoni Arola